April 4, 2024 @ 11:20 am – 12:20 pm
Hartford Convention Center
100 Columbus Blvd
CT 06103

CMEA Conference Session: Everybody Claps! Clapping Games from Around the World with LIllie Feierabend

April 4, 2024 (1-hour presentation)
11:20am – 12:20pm EST

Connecticut Music Educators Conference
Hartford Convention Center
100 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT

Registration Link: https://web.cvent.com/event/748421f4-a0c8-4ee8-86ca-318e2d91fcfc/regProcessStep1

MORE INFORMATION: Hannah Cole   prof-dev@cmea.org  860-632-1847

Session Description

Everybody claps, all cultures, all ages, all abilities! Clapping games are immediately engaging, language is not even required and yet laughter abounds. You are never too young or too old; they are simply too much fun. But, if you look closely, through the lens of Multiple Intelligence, you will find that Clapping Games are profound; they deepen and enrich all the intelligences and are of significant benefit to the development of our mind, body, and spirit. While we joyfully engage in trying to figure out which hand to use when, and where, our minds and bodies are working at a profound level helping us coordinate and visually track movements, orient our bodies, maintain beat and rhythm, plan and sequence motor movements and develop social skills by cooperating with others, accommodating others and paying close attention to others. This has profound implications on a global scale, as well. Humor, love, kindness and joy are universal. Sharing music with others builds a bridge where we are offered a window into another culture and delighted to find ourselves looking back. A country’s musical culture also offers insight into its history, spirit, and heart. This experience can lead to greater awareness and understanding.This lively workshop will explore several cultures through their clapping games; join us as we meet wonderful people through the gift of their music. The world just might become a kinder, more tolerant place if we all clapped, danced, and sang together.