Tea with Missy and John Feierabend

Tea with Missy – John Feierabend in Chicago, June 2017 This interview, which was recorded before the “Heimbach Hoedown” folkdance in Chicago, gives a fascinating glimpse into the very beginning of John’s music education journey. We owe a...

Tea with Missy and Emily Maurek

Tea with Missy – Emily Maurek in Chicago, May 2017 Take some time to get to know FAME Teacher Trainer Emily Maurek!  … Sorry, this content is for Members only. Already a member? Log in here... Sorry, this content is for Members only. Already a member? Log...

Music in the Home

… Sorry, this content is for FAME Lifetime Member, FAME Member, FAME Student, Associate Membership , and Institutional/Regional Chapter Membership only. Connect, network, and access a wealth of knowledge now by becoming a member of FAME! Username or Email...

The Singing Band

by Guest Contributor Carol Swinchoski Old Mill School, Wall Township, NJ In the last installment, I described the basic steps used to get musicians to create their first sounds and discover how to take their known folk songs and express them through their new...