by feierabendmusic | Jan 18, 2020 | FS-General
Hosting an Informance By Lindsay Jackson, FAME Teacher Trainer Every December, I see memes depicting music teachers surviving the holiday concert season. Between school programs and our own, personal, music making, it’s often a challenge to juggle all of the moving...
by feierabendmusic | Jan 18, 2020 | FS-General
La La Lunch Order! by Guest Contributor and FAME Member Jenny Parrot I use this visual menu in my classroom with Year 1 and Year 2 students. We start off by venturing over to an eatery in Arioso Land. This is a cheeky time to tie in movement exploration. Each week we...
by feierabendmusic | Nov 16, 2019 | FS-General
Getting Started with Learning Centers Utilizing the Feierabend Approach Emily Maurek, FAME Teacher Trainer As the weather turns and holiday breaks approach it is sometimes a challenge to keep students focused and engaged — especially with concerts, parties,...
by feierabendmusic | Nov 16, 2019 | Articles, CS-Instrumental
2019 The Singing Band Journal FAME Member Carol Swinchoski [email protected] Once again, in journal format, I offer a window into my Singing Band world, which is my Tuneful, Beatful, Artful approach to instrumental music infused with Conversational Solfege. I...
by Tom Hawley | Nov 16, 2019 | FS-General
“Ask Me” Sheets for the First Steps in Music Classroom Created by FAME Board Member Owen Hughes I created these “Ask Me” sheets based on an original technique I learned in a graduate course with Lillie Feierabend at the Hartt School. You can learn more about how she...
by Tom Hawley | Oct 27, 2019 | Facebook Live
In the first 40 minutes, Missy and John talk about solfège syllables: the fixed vs moveable do debate, how Zoltan Kodály decided which syllables to use with children based on Hungarian folksong, and how John’s own Kodály background and research led him to start...