by feierabendmusic | Dec 5, 2019 | FAME Podcast
In Part 1, we left Sister Lorna on the tarmac in the Ukraine as she was desperately trying to get to Hungary after being in Russia, listen to hear what happened next. You’ll also hear Dr. Zemke discuss first meeting Dr. Feierabend when he was her graduate...
by feierabendmusic | Nov 21, 2019 | FAME Podcast
Missy gets to know Dr. Zemke, or Sister Lorna as she is affectionately known by the many people whose lives she has impacted. Hear about her life as a young girl in Osh Kosh, Wisconsin all the way through the crucial 6 months she spent collecting data and observing...
by feierabendmusic | Nov 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
BRIDGES TO THE COMMUNITY SERIES: PART 5: ASK ME: THE SEQUEL! Lillie H. Feierabend, FAME Teacher Trainer Often a single experience will open the young soul to music for a whole lifetime. This experience cannot be left to chance. It is the duty of the school to provide...
by feierabendmusic | Nov 16, 2019 | FS-General
Getting Started with Learning Centers Utilizing the Feierabend Approach Emily Maurek, FAME Teacher Trainer As the weather turns and holiday breaks approach it is sometimes a challenge to keep students focused and engaged — especially with concerts, parties,...
by feierabendmusic | Nov 16, 2019 | Articles, CS-Instrumental
2019 The Singing Band Journal FAME Member Carol Swinchoski [email protected] Once again, in journal format, I offer a window into my Singing Band world, which is my Tuneful, Beatful, Artful approach to instrumental music infused with Conversational Solfege. I...