by feierabendmusic | Sep 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
I Have to Ask the Reason Why John Crever Music and songs in particular, have been part of our voting culture since the start of the nation, and for as long as politics have been recounted, music was always a part of the process. Whether it be an upbeat...
by feierabendmusic | Jul 10, 2020 | Articles, CS-Instrumental
FAME Member Carol Swinchoski [email protected] The concept of the Singing Band takes on a whole new meaning in the wake of Covid-19. I expect to hear: Do you mean you are not only going to risk your health playing wind instruments, but you are going to...
by feierabendmusic | Jul 10, 2020 | FS-General, Uncategorized
by Connie Greenwood As I write this reflection, I am ending my “into the unknown” season of on-line First Steps in Music parent/child classes. Since the quarantine in March, I have taught 11 Facebook “live” events and 10 weeks of Zoom parent/child classes. I have...
by feierabendmusic | Jun 22, 2020 | FAME Podcast
Join Missy for a special 3-episode series with music educator Jasmine Fripp, author of the Facebook post entitled “With Love, Letters to my Fellow White Colleagues” that went viral, provoking countless discussions of how white music teachers should...
by feierabendmusic | Apr 30, 2020 | FAME Podcast
In the final episode of Season Two, Missy chats about the ups and downs of teaching in the age of a COVID-19, especially in the Feierabend-focused classroom. She also interviews 2 of her kids, Jackson and Owen, to hear their perspective as musicians/students during...